“Come on.” BuddercuP groghed, “you can’t really want to just sit here and wait. I never thought I would see the day you would be hogtied by a dude.”
“I know, I know I just like him. He will come here once he creates a new principle, I know it.”
“You’re being catfished! Have you ever met this guy out of AnturA?”
“Of course not.”
“So how do you even know its a guy, most likely it’s some one-hundred-year-old granny.”
“I just know.” BeAutyBrokEn shrugged, “There’s no way I can prove it, to either you or me, but I know.”
“I think I get it,” BuddercuP reached out and put her hand on her friend's shoulder, “The heart wants what the heart wants. But do you really think that waiting here is the best way to spend your time? I didn’t complete my last mission because I got Tokened, I was going to go out to try and complete it, you should join me watch my back. If I get attacked by a Tokener, you defending me will be fulfilling your role.”
“What if you’re attacked by not a Tokener?”
“Then you’ll defend me because we’re friends.”
BeAutyBrokEn laughed, “Oh, right.” she shrugged and stood up. “Okay you’re right, I’m sick of waiting, let’s get out of here.”
BuddercuP jumped up and grabbed her friend's arm and pulled her through the door before she could change her mind. Once outside BeAutyBrokEn stiffened in her grasp. “Wait, look.” she pulled her arm free and pointed with the other, to a principle on the edge of town, the principle moved with a smooth glide which brought memories of M2Suh. She watched as it drew closer and she was sure of whose eyes were behind this new principle. She focused on it.
Level 1
Seeing that convinced BeAutyBrokEn, “Told you he would come.” as she stepped off the porch took two steps and wrapped her arms around M3Dussa. She had no idea how he would react to this and was pleased when he returned the embrace. “I’m glad we ran into you. We were leaving on a mission. Did everything work?”
M3Dussa shrugged, “I think so. Do you remember when you created your principle first you fought your principle, then you created your skill and then you fight your zombie self? Do you remember?”
“I do,” BuddercuP said insinuating herself into the conversation.
“Me too.” BeAutyBrokEn said quietly.”
“Good,” M3Dussa said becoming animated. “I created a skill that generates a principal's street address when I stick them with my knife. When I stabbed the zombie me it generated my address so I think it works.”
“Oh good,” BeAutyBrokEn said, “so what now?”
“I’m going to the Black Hand hideout and fight the Tbags who Tokened Ragnar.”
“Then what?” BeAutyBrokEn scoffed.
M3Dussa looked down and was silent for a moment then, “I don’t know. I really don’t. I was thinking about it on my way here. I don’t know, I know I’m angry. Maybe I’ll go comfort them get an answer why they do it. I guess it depends on where they are.”
“Okay, well I’m going to go with BuddercuP, will you promise to find and talk with me before you do anything?”
“I’m not going to do anything stupid.” M3Dussa started to say.
BeAutyBrokEn interrupted, “promise me.”
M3Dussa shrugged, “Sure, yeah I promise.”
They shook hands on it, she didn’t let go of his hand and pulled him in for a hug. “Remember your promise,” she said as she re-joined BuddercuP and together they walked away without looking back.