The sound of silence dominated as 1¢op huddled in a bush watching the far river bank, looking for any hint of red. The silence was imperfect broken by the river, during the day it was a happy sound, burbling, and chattering between its’ banks. At night, in the dark, the sound was almost sinister like a growling beast. 1¢op pushed the branch, of the bush she was hiding in, to the side so she could see the source of the sound.
The only light came from the broken moon reflecting off the moving water. From her right, the sound of steps on wood snapped her head in that direction. Toadanaga was stomping out onto the bridge. Once he reached the center, he stopped. A black lump on the lighter boards of the bridge. The silence returned, louder if that was possible.
Suddenly Toadanaga stumbled back reaching for his face. He recovered quickly and 1¢op saw a flash of silver in the moonlight as he drew his katana. Across the river there was movement, the shadows rippled then exploded out as principle clothed in red burst forth. Two figures with what looked to be incredible helmets on, charged into the river.
It was hard to stay still, with the enemy charging. She narrowed her attention, focusing on the river directly in front of her to the exclusion of everything else. She observed that she was being charged by two principles, in fact, in the hip deep water of the river it was more a slog than a charge. One tipped forward with a cry, the remaining principle doggedly continued wading forward. A few more steps and it reached the bank.
“Nihilism!” AnrKEY’s signal to attack, finally. 1¢op stood and faced the principle who, soaking wet, was struggling to gain its feet. Giving 1¢op a moment to prepare. She focused on the principle.
Level 3
1¢op had thought Buckk1968 was wearing a ridiculous helmet, now she saw that it was antlers. In the glow of the TZ, she had drank before, Buckk1968’s actions seemed slow and exaggerated. His muscles strained and his veins bulged as he gained the bank. She watched water stream down his face and antlers. The streams changed direction as the antlers were now lowered and with a huff Buckk1968 charged. Feeling as if she had all the time in the world 1¢op brought her arms and her nightsticks together, in front of her, forming the static shield. There was a loud crack as the antlers stuck the shield, blue electricity bloomed out from the contact sparks crawled along the ground most were harmless, a few started little fires in the grasses at the bank of the river.
Buckk1968 was flung back into the river. Little trickles of electricity, moving opposite the streams of water along his antlers caused him to spasm. 1¢op looked at her nightsticks and saw that the charge to her shield had not fully powered them up. Now, the principle who had fallen during the initial charge was back on his feet and bending over Buckk1968 trying to help him up. 1¢op hoped the charge she had was enough; she kneeled on the edge of the bank, stuck the tip of the right nightstick into the river, and triggered her weapon.
Electricity and water is a classic combination, a potent combination, a very effective combination. Buckk1968 and the other principle jackknifed in the water now glowing electric blue, their bones flashing electric blue through transparent bodies. They flailed in the water that shown with a blue light for a moment, then as the light disappeared they sunk beneath the surface of the water. 1 kill +1 xp, 1 kill +1 xp, Double kill +2 xp.
1¢op quickly looked t check how the defence of the bridge was going, looking to see if she was needed elsewhere. It seemed the fight was over, the black silhouette of AnrKEY stood on the bridge, alone. She turned as 1¢op walked up, “How’d you do on the flank? Did anyone get past you?”
“No one. How’d you do?” 1¢op asked.
“I’m fine,” AnrKEY said, “Toad didn’t make it. But as far as I know he was our only casualty. As far as I’m concerned that’s in the acceptable range. I’m happy grinding out the experience if they keep coming every day like this.”
“Yeah but for how long are they?” 1¢op said pointing across the river. “I want to go set up an observation post, up the river to protect our northern flank.”
“It’s a good idea. But I can’t spare SHEgamI right now, her range attack capabilities are invaluable to our defence,” AnrKEY said,
“That’s fine, this a mission that I can easily handle on my own,” 1¢op responded.
AnrKEY nodded, “perfect, is there anything you need to get started on that? No, good. I’m off, I need to check up on my defensive positions. Good hunting.” They shook hands and AnrKEY left the bridge. 1¢op took a moment in the stillness of the night to take two deep breaths. The sound of the river was once again the dominant sound. The water running over stones invisible in the dark of the night. Soon the deep purples of early dawn could be seen in the rippling surface of the river. 1¢op walked the rest of the bridge, crossing to the Red controlled bank.
Once 1¢op’s feet touched the bank she began following the river north, looking. The dawn progressed, the purples became pinks which turned to orange. then the sun was rising, rose. With the new day, the river once chortled and burbled cheerfully. The shadows of leaves created patterns on the river bank with the sun.
“Pist!” The silence of her walk was broken. 1¢op reflexively went into her fighting stance and spun towards the sound. She saw that it was a principle with a red tri-hawk, dressed in red leathers. 1¢op focused on the new arrival,
Level 2
she let out a long breath and relaxed, this was who she was looking for.
“Were you followed?” BrutAl5o asked.
“No, they think I’m scouting for flankers.”
“Good, we should be quick, I don’t think that we have much time.”
“Me neither. What so important that we had to meet here, like this?”
“I know it’s risky, but it’s the only way I could think to share my map with you.” He pulled his map off his belt and held it out to her. “Here, touch yours to mine, that will give you the location of where the TZ is being produced. It’s a mountain, a whole mountain.” 1¢op had touched his map and now had it unrolled. “I couldn’t find a way in, and I don’t know who is behind it or anything else. But I’m positive I saw that ape push the cart into that mountain.”
“Wait,” 1¢op interrupted, “the cart, with a goblin, being pushed by the gorilla, you saw them?”
“Yeah. you know them too?”
“They delivered TZ to Gilman. I might be crazy, but I think that gorilla is my husband.”
“What!? How could that be? How could you possibly think that you could know that?”
“It’s in his eyes, I recognized him in them, I think he recognized me too. I think that, I know that gorilla is my husband. I don’t know how but it’s him.”
“Wow, okay so the two investigations are linked like I’ve said all along. The next step is you need to talk with him.” BrutAl5o said nodding his head. “In Norca I tried to, but he wouldn’t respond to me at all, it was like I wasn’t there. Unless you want to see if you can get into the mountain getting the ape to talk is the only way I see forward. Oh and there’s something else. TZ is dangerous.”
“What!? No way. Have you tried it? It’s beautiful, how could it be dangerous?” 1¢op was incredulous.
“Right, because nothing that is beautiful is dangerous.” BrutAl5o didn’t give her a chance to respond, “No, for real I saw someone OD just a few hours ago.”
“No way! How do you know?”
“In truth, I don’t. But like you and your husband, I know. The principle was there, but it was more like a doll. It was just sitting at a table in The Red Room, its eyes were purple, the same color as TZ. After maybe a half an hour it started to crumble, soon it was a pile of purple powder that just blew away in the wind of the door opening.” BrutAl5o looked down at his hands.
“Okay, you said it was an overdose, how much did he drink?” 1¢op asked.
BrutAl5o nodded, “A lot, The principles he was sitting with said he had at least six cups.”
“Why! Why would anyone drink so much? I mean one small cup and I’m flying.” 1¢op was aghast.
“People can’t help but push the boundaries, why would principles be any different.”
1¢op could only shake her head. “I’ll try and talk to my husband,”
“Good,” BrutAl5o said, “You will need to do something about that goblin, he won’t let your husband talk, I don’t think.”
“I don’t think that will be much of the problem, the last time I saw my husband he was alone,” 1¢op said. “I helped him defend the cart, from some Red Army goons. For a moment he knew me then it was gone and he walked away. I think maybe they’re drugging him. That’s going to be the real problem. I’ll let you know as soon as I get something new. Message you the normal way, right?”
“Yeah. before you leave, will you defeat me.” BrutAl5o asked.
“Sure,” 1¢op said, “but why?”
BrutAl5o shrugged, “It will help sell my story. Really it’s because I don’t want to walk back, my respawn point is in the Red Room.”
1¢op laughed, “okay, are you ready.” she readied her nightsticks.
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